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Curriculum Vitae > Invited Presentations, Departmental Seminars & Guest Lectures

Invited Presentations, Departmental Seminars & Guest Lectures

([O] = oral; [P] = Poster; ^ = PDF; * = Graduate Student; ** = Undergraduate Student)

Jackson LJ (2018) The emergence of antimicrobial resistance and development of treatment technologies to remove pharmaceutical and
     personal care products from domestic wastewater: challenges for water reuse strategies. Medical Biotechnology Program 601, 6 November.

Jackson LJ (2018) Applications of trace organic chemistry to ‘pharmaprint’ societal behavior, develop removal options and protect receiving
     environments. Keynote address at the 53rd annual Canadian Trace Organic Workshop, May 14-15, 2018, Vancouver.

Jackson LJ (2017) A concept to provide clean drinking and wastewater treatment to remote northern Alberta communities. Alberta
     Legislature, 4 December 2017.

Jackson LJ (2017) Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets: next-generation wastewater treatment demonstration. Emerging Leaders of the
     Americas Program, University of Calgary, 17 November.

Jackson LJ (2017) Development of treatment technologies to remove pharmaceutical and personal care products from domestic wastewater:
     fit for purpose considerations in water reuse strategies. Medical Biotechnology Program 601, 7 November 2017.

Jackson LJ (2017) Fair and just water – a bottled water challenge to inspire our students to ‘walk the walk’? Student Enrolment Services,
     Professional Development day lecture and exercise, University of Calgary, 29 June 2017.

Jackson LJ (2017) Next-generation wastewater treatment at ACWA: developing local solutions to global water issues. Calgary Association of
     Lifelong Learners, Rosedale Community Centre, Calgary, 7 June 2017.

Jackson LJ (2017) ACWA: Infrastructure and research to develop and test next-generation wastewater treatment. Alberta Capital Region
     Wastewater Association, Board of Directors Annual Retreat, Calgary, 25 May 2017.

Jackson LJ (2017) Challenges to sustaining the water, food, energy nexus. Sustainability Studies – Sustainability Research I (UNIV/SUST

Jackson LJ (2017) 401), University of Calgary, 4 April 2017.

Jackson LJ (2017) ACWA Infrastructure: Next-generation wastewater treatment processes with applications to global water issues. York
     Region, Strategy and Innovation, Newmarket, Ontario, 3 February. [O]

Jackson LJ (2017) ACWA, challenges to water supplies and treatment and local solutions for a growing global problem. Guest lecture in
     Urban Infrastructure and Land Use (EVDS 616), University of Calgary, 31 January. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) ACWA: Purpose-built infrastructure to develop and test next generation wastewater treatment to addressing growing
     global water issues. Guest lecture in Medical Biotechnology Program (MBT 609), November 8. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) ACWA infrastructure: Purpose built to develop and test next-generation wastewater treatment. Presentation to the
     Canadian Water Network Municipal Consortium, November 2, Calgary, Alberta. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) ACWA’s infrastructure: design features to develop and test the next generation of advanced wastewater treatment.
     Presentation and tour to the Bow River Basin Council Youth Committee, October 16. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) What's in my water? Global issues, local solutions and a role for Alberta's pharmacists. Plenary address, Alberta
     Pharmacists Association (RxA) fall conference, Calgary, October 1. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) Global food supplies & the water, food, energy nexus. Guest lecture in the University of Calgary's orientation week "First
     Lecture" series. September 7. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) Think beyond the apple! The water, energy, food nexus and global food supplies. Keynote address to SHAD Program,
     Pine Creek Wastewater Treatment Centre, July 8. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) A looming water crisis: ACWA will create local solutions to address global problems. University of Calgary, Board of
     Governors, June 23. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) ACWA provides opportunities to develope Canadian solutions for global problems. Plenary address, Socieity of
     Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Prairie and Northern Region annual meeting, June 16-17 [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) What's in my water? Global challenges met with local solutions at ACWA. Plenary address, Strathcona Tweedsmuir School
     Annual Model United Nations Tournalment (2016 Theme: Water), Earth Day - April 22. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) What is THAT in my water? (And, why should I care about THAT?) TED style talk at Inside Education's Navig8 2016 Youth
     Summit, March 10-13, Canmore, Alberta. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) Challenges to water supply and treatment: local solutions for a global problem. Guest Lecture in Urban Infrastructure and
     Land Use (EVDS 616), University of Calgary, January 28. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) New paradigms in wastewater treatment and challenges associated with membrane technologies. Presentation at
     LuminUltra Technologies Ltd., Fredericton, New Brunswich, January 21. [O]

Jackson LJ (2016) Veterinary pharmaceuticals and relationships to skewed sex ratios in longnose dace in sourthern Alberta. Guest Lecture
     and ACWA tour for Veterinary Medicine 360, University of Calgary, January 7. [O]

Jackson LJ (2015) What's in my water? ACWA, local solutions with global applications. Guest lecture in Medical Biotechnology Program,
     University of Calgary, November 3. [O]

Jackson LJ (2015) What's that in my beer (and, what is THAT)? Nerd Nite YYC, Calgary, ALberta, October 15. [O]

Jackson LJ (2015) Trace organic analyses, ACWA and opportunities for local solutions with global applications. Keynote address, 50th
     Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop, Calgary, Alberta, April 28-29. [O]

Jackson LJ (2015) ACWA Overview: the parts, how they are put together and a challenge for analytical chemists. Agilent-ACWA Environmental
     Seminar, Calgary, Alberta, April 30. [O]

Jackson LJ (2014) Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets (ACWA): local solutions with global applications. Agilent Workshop "Advances in
     Water Research - Innovative Solutions to Emerging Problems", Calgary, Alberta, September 8 [O].

Jackson LJ (2014) Introduction to Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets (ACWA) for environmental scientists. Invited lecture and tour o
     ACWA facilities for ENSC 501, September 2. [O]

Jackson LJ (2013) Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets (ACWA): turning local opportunities into global solutions. Invited lecture and tour
     of ACWA facilities for ENSC 501, September 5. [O]

Jackson LJ (2012) Responses of native fish to emerging contaminants in sourthern Alberta rivers: challenges for wastewater treatment
     processes and opportunities through Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets (ACWA). City of Calgary, Water Centre, November 19. [O]

Jackson LJ & C Chung* (2012) Patterns in dissolved O2, relationships with macrophyte biomass and implications to wastewater treatment
     processes with Calgary's urban footprint. City of Calgary, Bonnybrook Wastewater Treatment Plant, September 26. [O]

Jackson LJ & C Chung* (2011) Dissolved O2 and emerging contaminants in the Bow River: where we are today and where we are
     headed. City of Calgary, Glenmore Water Treatment Plant, September 25. [O]

Jackson LJ (2011) Messages and challenges regarding endocrine disrupting compounds in southern Alberta: what longnose dace have to
     say. Environmental Industry Committee, Calgary, Alberta, April 28. [O]

Habibi HR, Jordan J*, Henderson S*, Weiljie A & LJ Jackson (2011) Link between environmental contaminants in Southern Alberta rivers and
     physiological consequences disrupting reproduction and metabolism in fish. Society of Toxicology and Chemistry Europe 21st Annual
     Meeting, Milan, Italy, 15-19 May. [O].

Henderson S*, LJ Jackson & HR Habibi. (2010) Endocrine disrupting compounds and their effect on longnose dace in the Bow River. Bow
     River Basin Council Annual Science Forum, Calgary, Alberta, April 28.

Jackson LJ (2010) Longnose dace responses to emerging contaminants identify emerging challenges in Southern Alberta rivers: Advancing
      Canadian Wastewater Assests provides innovative collaboration and exciting opportunities. WaterTech 2010, Banff, Alberta, April 22-23.

"Longnose dace in Southern Alberta rivers: messages, challenges and opportunities." Bow River Basin Council Quarterly Science Forum,
      Calgary, Alberta, March 10, 2010.

"Emerging water quality issues in Southern Alberta." 2010 Annual General Meeting of the Currie Liberal Association, January 20, 2010.

"Human influences on plant community composition and structure: why we should pay more attention to complex ecological interactions."
      Botany 309 - Plants and People, November 28, 2007.

Habibi HR, Jeffries KM, Nelson ER & LJ Jackson (2007) Risk assessment for endocrine disrupting chemical mixtures. 2007 International
      Conference of Comparative Physiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology & 6th Chinese Comparative Physiology Conference, Hangzhou,
      China [O].

"Land use impacts on prairie rivers in Southern Alberta: Where the boys are boys and many of the girls might be too." University of Toronto,
      Ecology seminar series, March 2, 2007.

"Impacts of urban wastewater on prairie rivers". 3rd Canadian Water Network Connecting Water Resources National Conference, 20-23
      November 2006, Montreal, Quebec.

Jeffries K* & LJ Jackson (2006) Spatial distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Alberta,
      Canada. 33rd Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, October 1-4, Jasper, Alberta [O].

Jeffries, KM* and LJ Jackson (2006) Longnose dace as indicators of environmental stress in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. Alberta
      Society of Professional Biologists, Water: Science and Politics Conference, 25-28 March, 2006, Calgary, Alberta [O].

Jackson LJ & K Jeffries (2006) Human Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality in the South Saskatchewan River Basin and Challenges to
      Policy Development. Pollution Probe National Workshops on Water Policy Development, Workshop #2 (Emerging Challenges to
      Sustainable Water Policy in Canada), 15-16 March, Lethbridge AB.

Jackson LJ, E McCauley, L Hogberg*, K Jeffries* & B Mayer (2006) Common metrics for multi-dimensional assessment of human impacts
      on water quality and quantity in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. Linking Watersheds Workshop, 26 ˇV 29 February 2006, Fredericton,
      NB [O].

"Relationship between sustainable development and water quantity and quality in South Saskatchewan headwater rivers." Mountains as
      Water Towers ˇV 2003 Banff Mountain Summit, Banff, AB 23- 26 November, 2003.

"Macrophyte-dominated and turbid states of shallow prairie lakes: patterns, processes and contrast with shallow Danish lakes." National
      Environmental Research Institute, Silkeborg, Denmark, 20 August 2003.

"Human Impacts on Water Quantity and Quality, Ecological and Economic Processes, and Policy Development in the S. Saskatchewan River",
      Bow River Basin Council, 11 December 2002.

"Rooted aquatic macrophtyes and ecosystem scale processes" University of Regina, 16 November 2001.

"Species interactions and material flow through aquatic ecosystems" University of Alberta, 7 April 1998.

"Material Flow through aquatic ecosystems: linking species to ecosystems" University of Lethbridge, 21 January 1998.

"Ecological Modelling and Contaminant Cycling in the Great Lakes" Seminar presented in the Ecology, Ethology and Evolution "Ecolunch"
      seminar series (University of Illinois), 3 March 1997.

"Farmers, Fertilizer and Hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico" Seminar presented in an Ecosystem Analysis seminar series (University of Illinois), 9
      April 1997.

"Nonlinear Multi-Component Ecosystem Models" Two, two hour lectures, including a computer simulation exercise, for Zoology 535 -
      Ecosystem Analysis (University of Wisconsin), spring 1996.

"Piscivores, predation, PCBs and predictions for Lake Ontario's pelagic food web." Special session on trophic dynamics in the Great Lakes,
      39th annual conference of the International Association for Great Lakes research, Toronto, Ontario, May 26-30, 1996.

"Managing the Great Lakes for sport fish PCBs and sustainability: a conflict of interest?" Presentation and panel participant in a special
      session on "Fisheries and Environment", The Great Lakes Fishery Commission's 41st Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 3-5 June

"The case for an ecological steady state." Presentation and panel participant in an International Joint Commission special workshop entitled
      "PCBs, the new equilibrium?". Windsor, Ontario, 10 September 1996.

"What to ask before you interview and accept your first job" Guest lecture in Ethics and Professionalism Seminar, (University of Illinois) 12
      November 1996.

"Food Web Effects and Prey Feedbacks" Presentation to a workgroup organized by the Emerging Issues Science Advisory Board of the
      International Joint Commission, Detroit, Michigan, 20 November 1996.

The Jackson Lab at the University of Calgary