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Curriculum Vitae > Publications


(^ = PDF; * = Graduate Student; ** = Undergraduate Student)

McCubbin KD, RM Anholt, E DeJone, JA Ida, DB Nobrega, JP Kastelic, JM Conly, M Gotte, TA McAllister, K Orsel, I Lewis, L Jackson, G
     Plastow, H-J Wieden, K McCoy, M Leslie, JL Robinson, L Hardcastle, A Hollis, NJ Ashbolt, S Checkley, GJ Tyrrell, AG Buret, E Rennert-May,
     E Goddard, SJG Otto, R Geransar & HW Barkema (2021) Knowledge gaps in the understanding of antimicrobial resistance in Canada.
     Frontiers in Public Health: 9: 726484.

Lazaro-Cote, A*, E. Faught*, LJ Jackson & M Vijayan (2021) Wild Longnose Dace downstream of wastewater treatment plants display an obese
     phenotype. Environmental Pollution 285: 117363.

Keith DA, Ferrer-Paris JR, Nicholson E, Bishop MJ, Polidoro BA, Ramirez-Llodra E, Tozer MG, Nel JL, Mac Nally R, Gregr EJ, Watermeyer KE,
     Essl F, Faber-Langendoen D, Giller PS, Robson B, Franklin J, Lehmann CER, Etter A, Roux DJ, Stark JS, Rowland JA, Brummitt NA,
     Fernandez-Arcaya UC, Suthers IM, Iliffe TM, Gerovasileiou V, Sakihara TS, Wiser SK, Donohue I, Jackson LJ, Pennington RT, Linardich C,
     Pettorelli N, Andrade A, Kontula T, Lindgaard A, Tahvanainan T, Terauds A, Venter O, Watson JEM, Chadwick MA, Murray NJ, Moat J, Pliscoff
     P, Corlett RT, Young KR, McGlone MS, Williams RT, Loidi J, Russell-Smith J, Gibson D, Eldridge DJ, Anesio AMB, Körner CH, Harper R,
     Bogaart PW, Bhanumati P, Sharma M, Hose GC, Gonzalez BC, Brankovits D, Martínez García A, Lamson M, Seidel B, Sedar DM, Santos
     S, Havird J, Catford JA, Rains MC, Irvine K, Arthington AH, Kelly-Quinn M, Bertilsson S, Hollibaugh JT, Channing A, Siegert MJ, Reidy
     L, Beveridge M, Bianchi TS, Woodland RJ, Dafforn KA, McSweeney SL, Cutler NA, Orth RJ, Altieri AH, Rossi S, Sheppard CRC, Swearer
     SE, Rykaczewski RR, Shannon LJ, Priede IG, Sutton TT, Claisse JT, Acosta ATR, Carnell PE, Crowe TP, Firth LB, Hay SE, García L, Zager I,
     Bland LM, Kingsford RT (2020) The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology v2.0: Descriptive profiles for Biomes and Ecosystem Functional
     Groups. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland.

Keith DA, Ferrer-Paris JR, Nicholson E, Bishop MJ, Polidoro BA, Ramirez-Llodra E, Tozer MG, Nel JL, Mac Nally R, Gregr EJ, Watermeyer KE,
     Essl F, Faber-Langendoen D, Giller PS, Robson B, Franklin J, Lehmann CER, Etter A, Roux DJ, Stark JS, Rowland JA, Brummitt NA,
     Fernandez-Arcaya UC, Suthers IM, Iliffe TM, Gerovasileiou V, Sakihara TS, Wiser SK, Donohue I, Jackson LJ, Pennington RT, Linardich C,
     Pettorelli N, Andrade A, Kontula T, Lindgaard A, Tahvanainan T, Terauds A, Venter O, Watson JEM, Chadwick MA, Murray NJ, Moat J, Pliscoff
     P, Corlett RT, Young KR, McGlone MS, Williams RT, Loidi J, Russell-Smith J, Gibson D, Eldridge DJ, Anesio AMB, Körner CH, Harper R,
     Bogaart PW, Bhanumati P, Sharma M, Hose GC, Gonzalez BC, Brankovits D, Martínez García A, Lamson M, Seidel B, Sedar DM, Santos
     S, Havird J, Catford JA, Rains MC, Irvine K, Arthington AH, Kelly-Quinn M, Bertilsson S, Hollibaugh JT, Channing A, Siegert MJ, Reidy L
     C, Beveridge M, Bianchi TS, Woodland RJ, Dafforn KA, McSweeney SL, Cutler NA, Orth RJ, Altieri AH, Rossi S, Sheppard CRC, Swearer
     SE, Rykaczewski RR, Shannon LJ, Priede IG, Sutton TT, Claisse JT, Acosta ATR, Carnell PE, Crowe TP, Firth LB, Hay SE, García L, Zager I,
     Bland LM, Kingsford RT (2020) Indicative distribution maps for Ecological Functional Groups – Level 3 of IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology
     (Version 2.0.1b) [Data set] Zenodo

Larsen KM*, Jackson LJ & SM Rogers (2020) Investigation of stalk formation, frequency of dividing cells and genome expression in periphyton
     mats dominated by Didymosphenia geminata. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management 23(3): 302-312.

Jackson LJ (2019) Advancing Candian Wastewater Assets (ACWA) bridges laboratory-scale testing of wastewater technologies and effects on
     receiving environments. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 47(8): 998-1004.

Jackson LJ & Jackson PV** (2019) Removing emerging contaminants: New treatment technologies (Developing and testing new treatment
     technologies to remove emerging contaminants in municipal wastewater to protect human health and aquatic ecosystems. Lakeline 39(4): 24-

Jackson LJ, Erdem A^, Sawchyb M, Mottier V, Saunders J, Collins J, Breedvelt I, Lacey E* & A Mah* (2019) Developing a complete watershed
     IOC platform through integrated stakeholder collaboration. Proceedings of CASCONxEvoke 2019, 4-6 November, Markham ON.

Lazaro-Cote A, Sadoul B, Jackson LJ & M Vijayan (2018) Acute stress response of fathead minnows caged downstream of municipal
     wastewater treatment plants in the Bow River, Calgary. PLoS ONE, 13(6): e0198177. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0198177

Jackson LJ (2017) Molecular tools provide a range of powerful options for the conservationist’s toolbox. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and
     Freshwater Ecosystems
, 27: 296-302. doi:10.1002/aqc.2766

Crispo E, Tunna H, Hussain N, Rodriguez S, Pavey S, Jackson L, Rogers S (2017) The evolution of the major histocompatibility complex in
     upstream versus downstream river populations of the longnose dace. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 3297-3311. doi: 10.1002/ece3.2839

Marbouti, M., R Bhaskar, Z Shakeri, C Anslow, LJ Jackson & F Mauer (2017) WaterVis: GeoVisual analytics for exploring hydrological data.
     BIDMA 2016 – International Symposium on Big Data and Analytics, Springer, Studies in Big Data, Volume 27, Moshirpour, M., Far, B., &
     Alhajj, R, Editors, pp 157-166.

Kingsford R, A Basset & L Jackson (2016) Wetlands: conservation’s poor cousins. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems,
     26: 892-916. doi: 10.1002/aqc.2709

Tunna HR*, Smidts JEG, Rogers SM & LJ Jackson (2016) Detoxification efforts in longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) exposed to
     municipal and agricultural inputs. Journal of Environmental Protection, 7: 253-267. doi: 10.4236/jep.2016.72022.

Maheux H*, Leavitt PR & LJ Jackson (2016) Asynchronous onset of eutrophication among shallow prairie lakes of the Northern Great Plains,
     Alberta, Canada. Global Change Biology, 22: 271-283. doi: 10.1111/gcb.13076

Jackson LJ, Corbett LM* & G Scrimgeour (2016) Environmental constraints on Didymosphenia geminata occurrence and bloom formation in
     Canadian Rocky Mountain lotic systems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 73: 964-972. doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2015-0361

Elgin E* & LJ Jackson (2016) Reduction of resuspended sediments by the herbivore, Daphnia pulex. Freshwater Science, in press.
     doi: 10.1086/686058

Elgin E*, HR Tunna* & LJ Jackson (2014) First records of exotic Prussian Carp (Carrassius gibelio) in North America. BioInvasions Records,
      3 (4): 275-282.

Jackson LJ (2014) Changes to environmental policy: a plea to turn passion into action. Scholarly and Research Communication,
5 (1): 0101132, 5 pages.

Dube M, Duinker P, Greig L, Carver M, Servos M, McMaster M, Noble B, Schreier H, Jackson LJ & K Munkittrick (2013) A framework for
     assessing cumulative effects in watersheds: an introduction to Canadian case studies. Integrated Environmental Assessment and
, 9 (3): 363-369.

Evans J**, Jackson LJ, Habibi HR & M Ikonomou (2012) Feminization of Longnose Dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in the Oldman River,
     Alberta (Canada) provides evidence of widespread endocrine disruption and population level consequences in an
     agricultural basin. Scientifica 2012: Article ID 521931.

Jordan J*, Zare A*, Jackson LJ, Habibi H & A Weljie (2012) Environmental mixtures at ambient concentrations invoke a metabolic stress
     response in goldfish not predicted from exposure to individual compounds alone. Journal of Proteome Research, 11: 1133-1143.

Jackson LJ & PA Moquin** (2011) Submerged macrophytes affect turbidity of shallow prairie lakes. Lakeline, 31: 36-40.

Jackson LJ (2011) Conservation of shallow lakes given an uncertain, changing climate: challenges and opportunities. Aquatic
     Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
, 21: 219-223.

Jeffries KM*, Jackson LJ, Ikonomou M & HR Habibi (2010) Presence of natural and anthropogenic organic contaminants and potential fish
     health impacts along two river gradients in Alberta, Canada. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 29: 2379-2387.

Kirkwood AE^, Jackson LJ & McCauley E (2009) An analysis of the environmental threshold conditions required in the distribution and bloom
      development of Didymosphenia geminata. Freshwater Biology, 54: 1856-1863.

Romanuk TN^, BE Beisner, A Hayward, LJ Jackson, JR Post & E McCauley (2008) Processes governing riverine fish species richness are
      scale-independent. Community Ecology, 10: 17-24.

Jeffries KM*, Nelson ER*, LJ Jackson & HR Habibi (2008) Basin-wide impacts of compounds with estrogen-like activity on longnose dace
      (Rhinichthys cataractae) in two prairie rivers of Alberta, Canada. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 27: 2042-2052.

Kirkwood AE, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2008) Didymosphenia geminata distribution and bloom formation along the South-Eastern slopes
      of the Canadian Rockies. Proceedings of the 2007 International Workshop on Didymosphenia geminata. Can. Tech. Rep. Fish. Aquat. Sci.
      2795: xxxv + 58 p.

Jeffries KM**, LJ Jackson, LE Peters & KR Munkittrick (2008) Changes in population, growth and physiological indices of longnose dace
      (Rhinichthys cataractae) associated with land-use in the Red Deer River, Alberta, Canada. Archives of Environmental Contamination and
, 55: 639-651.

Kirkwood AE^, TB Shea, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2007) Didymosphenia geminata in two Alberta headwater rivers: an emerging invasive
      species that challenges conventional views on algal bloom development. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 64:

Jackson JL, T.L. Lauridsen, M. Sondergaard & E Jeppesen (2007) A comparison of shallow Danish and Canadian lakes, and implications of
     climate change. Freshwater Biology, 52: 1782-1792.

Askey PJ*, LK Hogberg*, JR Post, LJ Jackson, T Rhodes & MS Thompson** (2007) Spatial patterns in fish distribution and relative trophic
      level abundance in a wastewater enriched river. Ecology of Freshwater Fishes, 16: 343-353.

Irvine RL* & LJ Jackson (2006) Spatial variance of nutrient limitation of periphyton in montane, headwater streams (McLeod River, Alberta,
      Canada). Aquatic Ecology, 40: 337-248.

Anderson KE^, AJ Paul^, E McCauley, LJ Jackson, JR Post & RM Nisbet (2006) Instream flow needs in streams and rivers: the importance of
      understanding ecological dynamics. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4: 309-318.

Romanuk TN^, LJ Jackson, JR Post, E McCauley & N Martinez (2006) The structure of food webs along river networks. Ecography, 29: 3-10.

Rennie MD** & LJ Jackson (2005) Patterns in submerged macrophyte structure and macroinvertebrate abundance. Canadian Journal of
      Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
, 62: 2088-2099.

LaMontagne JM*, RMR Barclay & LJ Jackson (2004) Energy balance of trumpeter swans at stopover areas during spring migration.
      Northwestern Naturalist, 85: 104-110.

Irvine RL*, EE Crone, LJ Jackson & EA MacIsaac (2004) The importance of scale in ecological model predictions: assessing the consistency
      of fertilization responses in lakes. Ecological Applications 14: 1178-1188.

Jackson LJ (2003) Macrophyte-dominated and turbid states of shallow lakes: evidence from Alberta lakes. Ecosystems 6:213-223.

LaMontagne JM*, LJ Jackson & RMR Barclay (2003) Trumpeter Swan habitat use in spring stopover areas. Canadian Journal of Zoology 81:

Meding ME* & LJ Jackson (2003) Biotic, chemical, and morphometric factors contributing to winter anoxia in prairie lakes. Limnology &
48: 1633-1642.

LaMontagne JM*, LJ Jackson & RMR Barclay (2003) Compensatory growth responses of Potamogeton pectinatus to foraging by migrating
      trumpeter swans in spring stop over areas. Aquatic Botany 76: 235-244.

Post JR, M Sullivan, S Cox, NP Lester, CJ Walters, EA Parkinson, AJ Paul*, LJ Jackson & BJ Shuter (2002) Canadaˇ¦s recreational fisheries:
      the invisible collapse. Fisheries 27: 6-17.

Jackson LJ, SR Carpenter, J Manchester-Neesvig & CA Stow (2001) PCB congeners in Lake Michigan Coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and
      Chinook (O. tshawytscha) salmon. Environmental Science & Technology 35: 856-862.

Meding ME* & LJ Jackson (2001) Biological implications of empirical models of winter oxygen depletion. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
      Aquatic Sciences
58: 1727-1736.

Meding ME* & LJ Jackson (2001) Biological implications of empirical models of winter oxygen depletion. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and
      Aquatic Sciences
58: 1727-1736.

LaMontagne J*, RMR Barclay & LJ Jackson (2001) Trumpeter Swan behavior at spring migratory stopover areas in Southern Alberta.
      Canadian Journal of Zoology 79: 2036-2042.

Jackson LJ, AS Trebitz & KL Cottingham (2000) An introduction to the practice of ecological modeling. BioScience 50: 694-706.

Stow CA, LJ Jackson & SR Carpenter (1999) A generalized model to assess contaminant declines. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment
      55: 435-444.

Jackson LJ, SR Carpenter, J Manchester-Neesvig & CA Stow (1998) Current concentrations of PCBs in Lake Michigan invertebrates, a
      prediction test, and corroboration of hindcast concentrations. Journal of Great Lakes Research 24: 808-821.

Jackson LJ (1998) Paradigms of metal accumulation in rooted aquatic vascular plants. Science of the Total Environment 219: 223-231.

Jackson LJ (1997) Piscivores, predation, and PCBs in Lake Ontario's pelagic food web. Ecological Applications 7: 991-1001 .

Stow CA, LJ Jackson & J Amhrein (1997) An examination of the relationship between PCBs and lipid among individual fish. Canadian
      Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
54: 1031-1038.

Jackson LJ (1996) How will decreased alewife growth rates and salmonid stocking affect sport fish PCB concentrations in Lake Ontario?
      Environmental Science & Technology 30: 701-705.

Jackson LJ & DE Schindler (1996) Field estimates of net trophic transfer of PCBs from prey fishes to Lake Michigan salmonids.
      Environmental Science & Technology 30: 1861-1865.

Carpenter SR, LJ Jackson, JF Kitchell & CA Stow (1996) That was then, but this is now - a reply to Gilbertson and Ludwig. Ecological
6: 971-974.

Jackson LJ (1996) A simulation model of PCB accumulation in the Lake Ontario pelagic food web. Ecological Modelling 93: 43-56.

Jackson LJ (1996) Comparative success of constant carbon assimilation efficiency and bioenergetics-based approaches in describing
      ecosystems. Ecological Applications 6: 1355-1364.

Jackson LJ & SR Carpenter (1995) PCB contents of Lake Michigan zooplankton: reconstruction based upon PCB contents of alewives (Alosa
) and their bioenergetics. Journal of Great Lakes Research 21: 112-120.

Stow CA, SR Carpenter, C Madenjian, L Eby & L Jackson (1995) Fisheries management options to reduce human contaminant exposure
      from Lake Michigan fish consumption. BioScience 45: 752-758.

Jackson LJ, JB Rasmussen & J Kalff (1994) A mass-balance analysis of trace metals in two weedbeds. Water, Air & Soil Pollution 74:

Jackson LJ, DJ Rowan, RJ Cornett & J Kalff (1994) Myriophyllum spicatum pumps essential and non-essential trace elements from
      sediments to epiphytes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 51: 1769-1773.

Jackson LJ, J Kalff & JB Rasmussen (1993) Sediment pH and redox potential affect the bioavailability of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn to rooted
      aquatic macrophytes. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 143-148.

Jackson LJ & J Kalff (1993) Patterns in metal content of submerged aquatic macrophytes: the role of plant growth form. Freshwater Biology
      29: 351-359.

Bell G, MJ Lechowicz, A Appenzeller, M Chandler, E DeBlois, L Jackson, B Mackenzie, R Preziosi, M Schallenberg and N Tinker (1993) The
      spatial structure of the physical environment. Oecologia 96: 114-121.

Jackson LJ, JB Rasmussen, RH Peters & J Kalff (1991) Empirical relationships between the element composition of aquatic macrophytes
      and their underlying sediments. Biogeochemistry 12: 71-86.

Jackson LJ, JG Stockner & PJ Harrison (1990) The contribution of Rhizosolenia eriensis and Cyclotella spp. to the deep chlorophyll
      maximum of Sproat Lake, British Columbia, Canada. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 47: 128-135.

The Jackson Lab at the University of Calgary