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Curriculum Vitae > Published Abstracts and Poster Presentations

Published Abstracts and Poster Presentations

([P] = poster; [O] = oral; ^ = PDF; * = Graduate Student; ** = Undergraduate Student)

Lazaro-Cote A*, LJ Jackson & M Vijayan (2018) The stress response of longnose dace downstream of municipal wastewater treatment plants
     in the Bow River, Calgary, Alberta. International Congress on the Biology of Fish, Calgary, Alberta, July 15-19. [O]

Lazaro-Cote A*, B Sadoul, VA Arnold, LJ Jackson & MM Vijayan (2018) The stress response of fathead minnows caged downstream of
     municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Bow River, Calgary. Bow River Basin Council Science Forum, Calgary, Alberta, May 2. [O]

Lazaro-Cote A*, B Sadoul, VA Arnold, LJ Jackson & mm Vijayan (2018) The stress response of fathead minnows caged downstream of
     municipal wastewater treatment plants in the Bow River, Calgary. International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology, Lake Louise,
     Alberta, June 4-9. [P]

Anderson S* & LJ Jackson (2017) Empirical relationships between cyanobacteria growth, nitrogen, phosphorus and microcystins in shallow
     prairie lakes. Toxicology and Chemistry in the 21st Century: Applications of Prairie Research - Society of Toxicology and Chemistry Prairie
     and Northern Chapter 8th annual meetings, Saskatoon, SK, 16 June. [O]

Rodriguez-Gil, JL^ & LJ Jackson (2017) Biofilm responses in large-scale stream mesocosms: A tool to assess advanced wastewater treatment
     processes. Canadian Water Network - Blue Cities 2017, Toronto, Ontario, May 17-18 2017. [P]

Anderson S* & LJ Jackson (2017) Blue-green algae growth in response to sulphate and molybdenum in shallow prairie lakes. Bow River
     Basin Council Annual Science Conference, Calgary, 3 May. [O]

Lazaro-Cote A*, LJ Jackson & M Vijayan (2016) The effect of municipal wastewater effluent on the stress response of fish in the Bow River,
     Calgary, Alberta. 43rd Annual Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop, 25-28 September, Edmonton, Alberta. [P] Note: Analisa won second place
     in the Graduate Student poster competition for her poster.

Rodriguez-Gil^, JL & LJ Jackson (2016) Epilithic biofilm in outdoor artificial streams: A tool to assess advanced wastewater treatment
     technologies. 43rd Annual Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop, 25-28 September, Edmonton, Alberta. [P]

Marbouti, M*, R Bhaskar*, Z Shakeri*, C Anslow, LJ Jackson & F Mauer (2016) WaterVis: Geovisual analytics for exploring hydrological data.
     BIDMA 2016: International Symposium on Big Data Management and Analytics. April 25-26, Calgary, Alberta. [P]

Royce, A, M Stefan, Y Gong, A Festgen & LJ Jackson (2016) Pilot and full scale investigations comparing UV/Chlorine and UV/H2O2
     advanced treatment for potable water reuse purposes. International Ultraviolet Association World Congress, January 31 - February 3,
     Vancouver, British Columbia. [O]

Stopford A, Fragoso N & LJ Jackson (2015) Advancing Canadian Wastewater Assets (ACWA): Unique solutions for research in
     wastewater treatment technology, aquatic ecosystems and human health. 50th Annual Western Canada Trace Organic Workshop,
     April 27-29, Calgary, Alberta [P].

Stopford A, Fragoso N & LJ Jackson (2015) Introducing the world class ACWA analytical facility. 50th Annual Western Canada Trace Organic
     Workshop, April 27-29, Calgary, Alberta [P].

Marbouti M*, Bhaskar R*, Shakeri Z*, Mauer F, L Jackson & C Anslow (2014) Applying visual analytics for monitoring map based hydrological
     data. 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographical Informatin Systems, Dallas, Texas, November 4-7.

Shakeri Z*, R Bhaskar*, M Marbouti*, LJ Jackson & F Mauer (2014) Water Management System. Computer Science Industry Day, Department
     of Computer Science, University of Calgary, May 8.

Zare A*, LJ Jackson & HR Habibi (2013) Effects of environmental contaminants on goldfish liver and gonad transcripts. Society of
     Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry Prairie Chapter, 4th annual meeting, Lethbridge, AB, June 6-8.

Chung C* & LJ Jackson (2012) Effects of an urban nutrient footprint on periphyton and macrophyte biomass, and diel oxygen cycles in the
     Bow River, Alberta (Canada).American Society of Limnology & Oceanography Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2012: Voyage of Discovery, Lake
     Biwa, Japan, July 8-13.

Habibi HR, Henderson S*, Maier C*, Zare A*, Jordan J*, Weljie A & LJ Jackson (2012) Emerging contaminants cause adverse health effects in
     native species of fish in Southern Alberta rivers. Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry, SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting,
     Berlin, Germany, 20-24 May.

Duke LM*, Jackson LJ, Rogers S, Scrimgeour G & S Vanderzwan** (2011) Causes of noxious Didymosphenia geminata blooms in mountain
     streams. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, May 12-15, Banff, Alberta [O].

Chung C* & LJ Jackson (2011) Nutrient accumulation in Bow River, Alberta and effects on diel oxygen cycles and longnose dace
     (Rhinichthys cataractae). Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, May 12-15, Banff, Alberta [P].

Tunna H**, Rogers S, Jackson LJ & E Crispo (2011) Population genetic consequences of endocrine disrupting compounds on longnose
     dace (Rhinichthys cataractae) in southern Alberta. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, May 12-15, Banff, Alberta

Duke LM*, Jackson LJ, Rogers S, Scrimgeour G & S Vanderzwan** (2011) Causes of noxious Didymosphenia geminata blooms in mountain
     streams. Alberta Graduate Conference, University of Calgary, May 5-6, Calgary, Alberta [P].

Henderson S*, Woodward K**, Mizen K**, Jordan J*, Zare A*, Jackson L, Welji A & Habibi HR (2011) Endocrine disrupting compounds and
     their effects on longnose dace within the City of Calgary. Alberta Graduate Conference, University of Calgary, May 5-6, Calgary, Alberta [P].

Chung C* & LJ Jackson (2011) Nutrient accumulation in Bow River, Alberta and effects on diel oxygen cycles and longnose dace. Alberta
     Graduate Conference, University of Calgary, May 5-6, Calgary, Alberta [P].

Habibi HR, A Zare, K Jeffries & LJ Jackson (2009) Impact of compounds with hormone-like activity on fish health in the Oldman River, Alberta,
      Canada. SETAC 2009 Annual Meeting, 19-23 November, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Weljie A, B Edwards, F Pang, A Zare, J Jordan, E Allen, LJ Jackson & HR Habibi (2009) Hormone sensitivity of goldfish tissue: a step towards
      endocrine disrupting chemical metabolomics. Fifth Annual International Conference of the Metabolomics Society, 30 August - 2
      September, Edmonton, Alberta [O].

Jackson, LJ (2008) Cumulative effects assessment of South Saskatchewan River basin headwater rivers. 35th Annual Aquatic Toxicity
      Workshop, 5-9 October 2008, Saskatoon, SK [O].

Habibi HR, K Jeffries, ER Nelson and LJ Jackson (2008) Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals Risk Assessment in the Southern Alberta Rivers.
      Western Canada Water and Wastewater Association 60th Anniversary Conference, September 23, 2008, Regina, Saskatchewan [O].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, E Nelson* & H Habibi (2006) Longnose dace: sentinel species that indicate environmental stress in the Oldman
      River, Alberta. 6th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology, 22-27 June, 2008, Calgary, AB, Canada [P].

Jackson LJ, KM Jeffries, H Habibi & E Nelson (2008) Longnose dace indicate sites of exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds. Alberta
      Environment Provincial Contaminants Framework Initiative, February 28-29, Edmonton, AB.

Jeffries KM* & LJ Jackson (2007) Spatial distribution of endocrine disrupting chemicals in the South Saskatchewan River Basin, Alberta,
      Canada. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop: October 1-4, 2006, Jasper, Alberta. Canadian Technical Report of
      Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2746.

Boyd HM* & LJ Jackson (2006) Marking system state with accessory pigments. 3rd Canadian Water Network Connecting Water Resources
      National Conference, 20-23 November, Montreal, Quebec.

Kirkwood AE^, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2006) Invasion of the nuisance alga Didymosphenia geminata in Alberta rivers and the importance
      of flow regulation. Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 3rd Annual Researcher's Conference, Edmonton, AB, 3-4 November [O].

Mayer B, L Rock*, J McCallum, J Chao, L Lamb*, LJ Jackson & L. Wassenaar (2006): Isotope Biogeochemistry of the South Saskatchewan
      River Basin. Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 3rd Annual Researcher's Conference, Edmonton, AB, 3-4 November [P].

Kirkwood AE^, TB Shea, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2006) Distribution of Didymosphenia geminata in two Alberta headwaters with
      contrasting flow regime. American Fisheries Society Western Division Annual Meeting, May 15-16, Bozeman, Montana [O].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, E Nelson* & H Habibi (2006) Longnose dace, Rhinichthys cataractae,, vitellogenin mRNA suggests widespread
      estrogenic chemical exposure in the Oldman River, Alberta. Canadian Society of Zoologists 45th Annual Meeting, May 2-6, Edmonton,
      Alberta [O].

Jackson LJ, E McCauley, L Hogberg*, K Jeffries* & B Mayer (2006) Multi-dimensional assessment of human impacts on water quality and
      quantity in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. Society of Canadian Limnologists annual meeting, 6-7 January 2006, Calgary, AB,
      Canada [O].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, E Nelson* & H Habibi (2006) Longnose dace indicate widespread endocrine disruption in the Oldman River, Alberta.
      Society of Canadian Limnologists annual meeting, 6-7 January 2006, Calgary, AB, Canada [P].

Powell HM*, LJ Jackson & J Culp (2006) Invertebrate community structure in rivers: determinants in the South Saskatchewan River Basin.
      Society of Canadian Limnologists annual meeting, 6-7 January 2006, Calgary, AB, Canada [P].

Nadorozny ND* & LJ Jackson (2006) A comparison of landuse impacts on river water quality within the South Saskatchewan River Basin.
      Society of Canadian Limnologists annual meeting, 6-7 January 2006, Calgary, AB, Canada [O].

Jackson LJ, E McCauley, B Mayer & T Horbulyk (2005) Development, Water Quantity and Quality, and Policy in the South Saskatchewan
      River Basin. Connecting Water Research in Canada, Kananaskis, AB, 23-25 November [O].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, E Nelson* & H Habibi (2005) Longnose dace effectively identify environmental stress in the Oldman River, Alberta.
      Connecting Water Research in Canada, Kananaskis, AB, 23-25 November [P].

Powell HM*, LJ Jackson & J Culp (2005) Lotic invertebrate community structure in South Saskatchewan River Basin headwater rivers.
      Connecting Water Research in Canada, Kananaskis, AB, 23-25 November [P].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, L Peters* and K Munkittrick (2005) Responses by longnose dace to nutrient and chemical inputs to the Red Deer
      River, Alberta. Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2nd annual researcher's conference, Calgary, AB, 29-30 October [P].

Powell HM*, LJ Jackson & J Culp (2005) Patterns of lotic invertebrate community structure in South Saskatchewan River Basin headwater
      rivers. Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2nd annual researcher's conference, Calgary, AB, 29-30 October [P].

Shea T, AE Kirkwood, L Hogberg*, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2005) Periphyton production and community structure: spatial variation in
      nutrient limitation. Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2nd annual researcher's conference, Calgary, AB, 29-30 October [P].

Kirkwood AE, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2005) Large-scale characterization of the microbial community dynamics in the Red Deer and Bow
      Rivers: a polyphasic approach. Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2nd annual researcher's conference, Calgary, AB, 29-30
      October [P].

Paul AJ, J Post, E McCauley & LJ Jackson (2005) Predictive approaches to instream flow needs: linking biological and physical processes.
      Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2nd annual researcher's conference, Calgary, AB, 29-30 October [O].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, E Nelson* & H Habibi (2005) Longnose dace effectively identify environmental stress in the Oldman River, Alberta.
      Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research 2nd annual researcher's conference, Calgary, AB, 29-30 October [P].

Jackson LJ, E McCauley, L Hogberg*, K Jeffries & B Mayer (2005) Human impacts on water quality and quantity, the implications for socio-
      economic processes, and policy development in the South Saskatchewan River Basin. IWA 10th Specialist Conference on Integrated
      Watershed Management, Calgary, Alberta, 13-15 September [O].

Powell HM*, LJ Jackson & J Culp (2005) Ecosystem recovery in an impounded river: the serial discontinuity concept and the Oldman Dam.
      North American Benthological Society, New Orleans, LA, May 22-28 [P].

Mayer B, L Rock*, L Hogberg, LJ Jackson, M Varner, JB Shanley, SW Bailey & MJ Mitchell (2004) Delineating sources of sulfate and nitrate in
      rivers and streams by combining hydrological, chemical and isotopic techniques. International Conference on Isotopes in Environmental
      Studies - Aquatic Forum 2004, Monaco, 25-29 October, 2004 [O].

Hogberg LK*, LJ Jackson & B Mayer (2004) Urban wastewater footprints in rivers. Connecting Water Resources 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, 20-22
      June, 2004 [P].

Jeffries K*, LJ Jackson, K Munkittrick & L Peters* (2004) Chemical and physiological indices of longnose dace (Rhinichthys cataractae)
     effectively identify nutrient and contaminant impacted areas of the Red Deer River, Alberta. Connecting Water Resources 2004, Ottawa,
     Ontario, 20-22 June, 2004 [P].

Nadorozny N*, LJ Jackson & E McCauley (2004) Influence of land water interactions on the presence of biogeochemical discontinuities along
      the Bow River, Alberta. Connecting Water Resources 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, 20-22 June, 2004 [P].

Powell H*, LJ Jackson & J Culp (2004) Data confronts theory: Ecosystem recovery in an impounded river of the South Saskatchewan
      drainage basin. Connecting Water Resources 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, 20-22 June, 2004 [P].

Askey PJ*, LK Hogberg*, JR Post, LJ Jackson, E McCauley, T Rhodes* & MS Thompson** (2004) The effects of nutrient enrichment on
      trophic level abundance and spatial distribution of fish in a large river system. Connecting Water Resources 2004, Ottawa, Ontario, 20-22
      June, 2004.

Hogberg* LK & LJ Jackson (2003) Urban footprints on river ecosystems. Connecting Water Resources 2003, Saint John, New Brunswick,
      25-27 June, 2003.

Rennie**, MD & LJ Jackson (2002) Patterns in submerged macrophyte structure and invertebrate abundance. Society of Canadian
      Limnologists Annual Meeting, January 3-5, Vancouver, BC.

Jackson LJ (2001) Evidence for alternate states in shallow prairie lakes (2001) ESA 86th Annual meeting, August 6-10, Madison, WI.

LaMontagne JM*, LJ Jackson & RMR Barclay (2001) Habitat selection by trumpeter swans in spring migration stopover areas. The First
      Partners in Conservation Conference, Feb. 10, Nisku, Alberta.

Manchester-Neesvig J, LJ Jackson, SR Carpenter & CA Stow (1997) Recent measurements of PCBs in two species of Lake Michigan
      zooplankton. IAGLR 40th Annual Meeting, Buffalo, NY.

Jackson LJ (1996) Salmonid stocking and management of stocked sport fish PCBs. Society of Canadian Limnologists, 15th Annual Meeting,
      Montreal, Quebec.

Stow CA & LJ Jackson (1996) Does lipid level determine contaminant concentrations in Lake Michigan fishes? IAGLR 39th annual meeting,
      Toronto, Ontario.

Stow CA, LJ Jackson & JF Amrhein (1996) Exploration of the relationship between PCBs and lipid among individual fish. SETAC 17th Annual
      Meeting, Washington, DC.

Jackson LJ (1995) How will decreased productivity and changes in salmonid stocking affect PCB concentrations in Lake Ontario sport fish?
      IAGLR annual meeting, East Lansing, Michigan.

Stow, CA, SR Carpenter, CP Madenjian, L Eby & LJ Jackson (1995) Reducing human contaminant exposure from Lake Michigan fish
      consumption: can fisheries management play a role? IAGLR 38th annual meeting, East Lansing, Michigan.

Jackson LJ (1995) A constant carbon assimilation efficiency is often not appropriate for ecosystem model. ESA annual meeting, Snowbird,

Jackson LJ (1995) Can fisheries management make substantial progress towards further reductions in sport fish PCB concentrations?
      SETAC second world congress, Vancouver, British Columbia.

Jackson LJ & SR Carpenter (1994) PCB contents of Lake Michigan zooplankton: reconstruction based on PCB contents of alewives (Alosa
) and their bioenergetics. IAGLR 37th annual meeting, Windsor, Ontario.

Jackson LJ (1994) Implications of sport fish stocking scenarios to PCB dynamics of the L. Ontario food web. SETAC 15th Annual Meeting,
      Denver, Colorado.

Jackson LJ & J Kalff (1993) Patterns in metal content of submerged aquatic macrophytes: the role of plant growth form. ASLO annual
      meeting, Edmonton, Alberta.

Jackson LJ, JB Rasmussen & J Kalff (1993) A mass-balance analysis of trace metals in two weedbeds. ESA annual meeting, Madison,

Jackson LJ, JG Stockner & PJ Harrison. (1988) Phytoplankton sinking and chlorophyll maximum formation in a coastal British Columbia
      lake. ASLO winter meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.

Jackson LJ, DJ Rowan, RJ Cornett & J Kalff (1992) The role of Myriophyllum spicatum L. as a vector between sediment-bound elements and
      loosely attached epiphytes. ASLO annual meeting, Sante Fe, New Mexico.

Jackson LJ, JB Rasmussen & J Kalff (1991) Sediment pH and redox potential affect the bioavailability of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn to rooted
      aquatic macrophytes. 18th Annual Aquatic Toxicity Workshop, Ottawa, Ontario.

Jackson LJ, JB Rasmussen & J Kalff (1991) The role of pH in determining metal bioavailability to isoetid macrophytes. ASLO summer
      meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Jackson LJ & J Kalff (1990) Relationships between heavy metals in aquatic plants and sediments. Society of Canadian Limnologists 9th
      annual meeting, Ottawa, Ontario.

Jackson LJ, JG Stockner & PJ Harrison (1989) The role of phytoplankton sinking in chlorophyll maximum formation in Sproat Lake, British
      Columbia, Canada. Society of Canadian Limnologists, 8th annual meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.

The Jackson Lab at the University of Calgary